WPLMS Learning Management System for WordPress, Education Theme
FREE Demo for WPLMS Learning Management System for WordPress, Education Theme!
WordPress LMS, WPLMS Mobile App now available at CodeCanyon. https://codecanyon.net/item/wplms-learning-management-system-app-for-education-elearning/20632362
WordPress LMS, Learning Management System for WordPress, WordPress Education theme built on BuddyPress.
The only WordPress LMS system which also has a mobile App.
WPLMS is aWordPress LMS. It is an Enterprise grade Learning management system for WordPress. It is a complete system with “all” the features of any modern LMS. Built on BuddyPress and WooCommerce it provides the best of Social and eCommerce sites. From Fortune 500 companies to several thousands of successful educational startups around the world, WPLMS is the number one choice if you’re looking for a complet
WordPress LMS, WPLMS Mobile App now available at CodeCanyon. https://codecanyon.net/item/wplms-learning-management-system-app-for-education-elearning/20632362
WordPress LMS, Learning Management System for WordPress, WordPress Education theme built on BuddyPress.
The only WordPress LMS system which also has a mobile App.
WPLMS is aWordPress LMS. It is an Enterprise grade Learning management system for WordPress. It is a complete system with “all” the features of any modern LMS. Built on BuddyPress and WooCommerce it provides the best of Social and eCommerce sites. From Fortune 500 companies to several thousands of successful educational startups around the world, WPLMS is the number one choice if you’re looking for a complete software.
It is built for Instructors, Educational Training Centres, Corporate trainings, Coaching centres, Course tutors, College, Academy, University, School and MOOC platform.
Latest version released on 8th June’19. Refer update log
If you like this theme, please don’t forget to rate it
10th January’18 : check docs
Test WPLMS as Instructor : Instructor Demo
Credentials for Testing : instructor and p@ssword
To purchase a course sample credit card details are shared on checkout page
Latest features Added in Theme:
Drag and Drop PDF certificate builder in version 3.9.1
SCORM Package support in v3.8
- Member Types & Group Types
- Custom Course Templates and Pacakge uploader
- Demo Switcher
- User Walk throughs/Guided Tours
- Ajax login and registration link (
screenshot) - Updated one click installer link
Dynamic Quizzes v 2 link
- Migration to BP Emails with Template customizer
- Instant Quiz answers
- Custom Registration Froms
- Save Quiz answers feature
- Live search in directories
- My Courses section with Live filters and live search (link)
- Live search in course admin, filters : (link)
- Mega Menu Styles in 2.1.1 (link)
- 28 New features added in WPLMS 2.0, link
- 44 New features added in WPLMS 1.0 – 1.9.9 versions, link
Sample Data updated 23rd September’16 (included in the package)
Theme Features
- Courses
- Create and Sell Courses
- Create and upload custom badges and certificates
- Free Units for Course Preview
- Supports Audio/Video and Attachments in Units
- Course Curriculum and Course Timeline
- Course Reviews & Ratings
- Exclusive Course Groups & Forums
- Front End Functions:
- Course Manual Evaluation
- Remove reset Courses for Students
- Overall Course Stats
- Students Course Stats
- Course Result
- Auto Messages & Notifications
- Bulk Messaging
- Live status in Course Timeline
- Set Course Status, award marks for course
- Award Certificates, Badges
- Extend subscriptions
- Custom Widget : BP Course Widget
- Displays Courses ordered by # students, # ratings, #reviews, date
- Displays Courses in Single Items, Course lists and Course Carousels
- Custom Widget : BP Course Search
- Search in Courses
- Select Instructor, Course Category or Course levels to search in
- Custom Widget : Course Reviews
- Displays Courses reviews
- Displays course reviews in Single Items, lists and Carousels
- Custom Widget : Site Stats
- Displays Site wide stats
- Displays # Instructors, #students, #courses, #units etc..
- Custom Widget : BP Course Instructor
- Displays Instructor of the Single Course
- Displays other courses taken by Instructor
- Quizes
- Question Bank
- Auto Evaluation
- Quiz Timer
- Quiz Timeline
- Quesiton Types : Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct, Fill in the Blank, Sort, Match, Select dropdown, Small text & Essay Type
- Detailed Result
- Auto Messaging & Notifications
- Front End Functions:
- Quiz Automatic/Manual Evaluation
- Reset Quiz for Student
- Quiz Auto Submit on timer expire.
- In Course vs Stand alone quiz
- One Question per frame or Multi Question per frame
- Live status in Quiz Timeline
- Quiz support Audio, Video, Latex
- Quiz Stats, download student scores
- Dynamic Question, create quiz from pool of questions
- Share / Print result
- Assignments
- Assignments similar to HomeWork, Timer (in Days), Auto submit
- Multiple Assignment Upload
- Essay type assignment
- Include assignment in Course, Unit, Event
- Detailed Result with instructor remarks
- Auto Messaging & Notifications
- Front End Functions:
- Assignment Manual Evaluation
- Reset Assignment for Student
- Assignment Auto Submit on timer expire.
- Remarks from Instructor
- MEssage, Notification or Email
- Statistics
- Detailed Statistics
- Full Course Stats
- Quiz Stats
- Assignment Stats
- Instructor Stats (Front End):
- Full Course Stats
- Student Wise Stats
- Admin Stats:
- Overview : Total Students, instructors, courses, # students courses graphs
- Course-wise stats : Each Course with # students, Average marks, # badges, #certificates
- Instructor-wise stats: Each Instructor with # students, Averge marks, # badges, #certificates
- Detailed Statistics
- Bulk Import/Export
- Export CSV
- Import & create Course,Quiz, Questions, Assignments
- Import & create Users
- Connect users with courses, quizzes, assignments with marks
- Import CSV
- Full Course Stats
- Student Wise Stats
- Admin Stats:
- Overview : Total Students, instructors, courses, # students courses graphs
- Course-wise stats : Each Course with # students, Average marks, # badges, #certificates
- Instructor-wise stats: Each Instructor with # students, Averge marks, # badges, #certificates
- Export CSV
- FaceBook, Twitter, Google plus , Login integration via saperate plugin link
- Shop
- Multiple Course in single product
- Enable/Disable Subscriptions
- Custom Subscription duration for each Product
- Custom WooCommerce Widgets
- Price Filter
- Advanced WooCommerce Carousels
- Custom Header Login Panel
- Unique BuddyPress Layout
- Custom LSM Modules
- Private Course Groups
- Private Course Forums
- BuddyPress Privacy Options
- Enable/Disable Activity Access to Students, Instructors, Admin or All
- Enable/Disable Groups Access to Students, Instructors, Admin or All
- Enable/Disable Group creation to Students, Instructors, Admin
- Show/hide Single user Profile Activity
- Show/hide Single user Profile Groups
- Show/hide Single user Profile Forums
- Responsive and RetinaReady
- Compatible with latest WordPress & WooCommerce versions
- Widgetized Mega Menu
- CSS3 animations
- Supports WordPress Native Audio & Video shortcodes
- Premium LayerSlider Plugin Worth $15
- Drag Drop Page Builder
- Create Unlimited Page Layouts
- Inbuilt Sliders: Layer Slider, FlexSlider
- Post Grid Masonry Layout with Pagination & Infinite Scroll
- Include Sidebars
- Create Filterable Posts with Pagination
- Multi column Carousels / Block rotators
- Four Block styles
- 1/4,1/2,1/3,3/4,2/3,FullWidth Layout Blocks
- Fullscreen Stripe Layout Block for Parallax stripe and Fullwidth Sliders
- Save Page elements & full Layouts & reuse in other pages
- Apply custom CSS & Classes to every element inside the PageBuilder itself.
- Import/Export elements & Layouts.
- Live Theme Customizer
- Change theme element background/color Live
- Adjust Font Sizes
- Change all Font family/styles from 600+ Google fonts
- Change font colors
- Import/Export Customizer settings.
- ShortCode Generator with Live Preview
- Tabs, Accordion, Toggles
- Popups, Gallery (Lightbox with sharing)
- Animated Menu
- Headings
- Columns
- Form Generator with validation
- Buttons & Icons
- Audio & Video
- Team
- Testimonial
- Alerts, Tooltips, Notes, Progress Bars
- Awesome Sliders
- Premium Layer Slider
- FlexSlider
- Advanced Vibe Options Panel
- Header with Upload Logo/Favicon
- Unlimited Sidebars
- BuddyPress Privace Options
- Select social media icon style out of 6 options
- Add Social Sharing in Blog Posts
- Connect Post Layouts,Page Builder, Featured Component with Custom Post Types.
- Import/Export Settings
- Post Features
- Any column Filterable Portfolio Styles with Pagination On/Off
- Any Column Masonry layout with Infinite Scroll & Pagination
- Supports HTML5 Audio/Video, Vimeo, Youtube, Blip.tv, Gallery…
- Template Layouts
- Three Page Layouts [Left Sidebar | Right Sidebar | Fullwidth].
- Select Sidebar for the page.
- Show/Hide Subheader/Titles,breadcrumbs & post author .
- Form Generator
- Generate Unlimited forums.
- Data validation
- Supports Text, Textarea, Select options.
- Multifunctional Popups
- Add any Dynamic Content available on Click or on Page Load.
- Attach any Form/Slider/Content in popup.
- Multifunctional Custom Widgets
- Vibe Advanced Twitter Feed Widget
- VibeCom Flickr Feed Widget
- Vibe Instagram Widget
- Vibe Tabs Widget (Most Popular, Recent, Posts,Portfolio,tags,..)
- Vibe Carousel show Posts (recent/popular) with large images.
- Vibe Posts, list posts with thumbnail option widget (Recent/popular)
- Vibe Testimonials, shows selected testimonial
- Vibe Gallery, shows responsive gallery.
- Vibe WooCommerce Carousels, showcase WooCommerce Featured, On Sale, Recent etc. products in carousels.
- Vibe WooCommerce Advanced Filters, show colors, images as selection links instead of simple lists in WooCommerce Shop Page as product filters.
- Vibe WooCommerce Advanced Filters selection, show selected filters with classes instead of simple lists.
- CSS3 Animations
- 15+ animation effects
- Effects appear only on load when the element is “visible” on screen
- One Click Auto Update.
- WordPress 3.0 Multi level drop-down menu .
- Translation Ready.
- Responsive HTML5 Video Player with Flash Fallback
- Responsive Audio player for hosted audio files.
- Responsive Gallery.
- HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design .
- 600+ Google Web Fonts with Refresh. (Change elements fonts in the theme settings)
- Retina Ready Gravtars
- Easily add Google analytics .
- Unlimited Popups with open on page load function
- Tabs : Horizontal & Vertical
- Full Screen background Option .
- Works in all major browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome
Updates & Fixes link
Latest version of WPLMS 3.9 , New features & Updates - Elementor integration added - Supports embed of SCORM 2004 , SCORM 1.1 and 1.2 packages - Push Notifications support added and add-on plugin released - Improved Live Chat interface - New Featured Block with progress bar , screenshot : https://prnt.sc/m30axm - Notes and Discussion Api for App - Assignments API for App
Past Update Log
-> VERSION [ 4th JUNE'19] -> VERSION 3.9.3 [ 30th MAY'19] -> VERSION 3.9.2 [ 24th APRIL'19] -> VERSION 3.9.1 [ 19th FEBRUARY'19] -> VERSION 3.9 [ 02nd FEBRUARY'19] -> VERSION 3.8.5 [ 05th JANUARY'19] -> VERSION 3.8 [ 28th NOVEMBER'18] -> VERSION 3.7 [ 11th SEPTEMBER'18] -> VERSION 3.6 [ 25th JUNE'18] -> VERSION 3.5.1 [ 15th MAY'18] -> VERSION 3.5 [ 10th MAY'18] -> VERSION 3.4.2 [ 22nd FEBRUARY'18] -> VERSION 3.4.1 [ 05th FEBRUARY'18] -> VERSION 3.4 [ 02nd FEBRUARY'18] -> VERSION 3.3 [ 07th DECEMBER'17] -> VERSION 3.2 [ 22nd NOVEMBER'17] -> VERSION 3.1 [ 05th OCTOBER'17] -> VERSION 3.0.1 [ 11th AUGUST'17] -> VERSION 3.0 [ 09th AUGUST'17] -> VERSION 2.9.2 [ 21st JULY'17] -> VERSION 2.9.1 [ 20th JUNE'17] -> VERSION 2.9 [ 14th JUNE'17 ] -> VERSION 2.8.1 [ 22nd MAY'17 ] -> VERSION 2.8 [ 02nd MAY'17 ] -> VERSION 2.7.3 [ 10th APRIL'17 ] -> VERSION 2.7.2 [ 06th APRIL'17 ] -> VERSION 2.7.1 [ 04th APRIL'17 ] -> VERSION 2.7 [ 25th MARCH'17 ] -> VERSION 2.6.1 [ 24rd FEBRUARY'17 ] -> VERSION 2.6 [ 23rd FEBRUARY'17 ] -> VERSION 2.5.2 [ 04th FEBRUARY'17 ] -> VERSION 2.5.1 [ 12th JANUARY'17 ] -> VERSION 2.5.0 [ 10th JANUARY'17 ] -> VERSION 2.4.1 [ 3rd DECEMBER'16 ] -> VERSION 2.4 [ 1st DECEMBER'16 ] -> VERSION 2.3.1 [ 15th October'16 ] -> VERSION 2.3 [ 14th October'16 ] -> VERSION 2.2.2 [ 27th August'16 ] -> VERSION 2.2 [ 16th August'16 ] -> VERSION 2.1.1 [ 6th July'16 ] -> VERSION 2.1 [ 17th June'16 ] -> VERSION [ 03rd May'16 ] -> VERSION [ 30th April'16 ] -> VERSION [ 28th April'16 ] -> VERSION 2.0.9 [ 27th April'16 ] -> VERSION 2.0.8 [ 02nd April'16 ] -> VERSION 2.0.7 [ 13th March'16 ] -> VERSION [ 04th March'16 ] -> VERSION 2.0.6 [ 11th February'16 ] -> VERSION 2.0.2 [ 29th January'16 ] -> VERSION 2.0.1 [26th January'16 ] -> VERSION 2.0 [24th January'16 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN [21st October'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.9 [21st October'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.8 [13th August'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.7 [04th August'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.6 [24th June'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.5 [26th May'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.4 [04th May'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.3 [31st March'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.2 [17th March'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.1 [19th February'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.9.0 [24th January'15 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.8.4 [24th December'14 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.8.3 [8th December'14 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.8.2 [17st November'14 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.8.1 [21st October'14 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.8.0 [1st October'14 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.7.5 [9, SEPTEMBER'14 ] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.7.4 [3, SEPTEMBER'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.7.3 [31, AUGUST'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.7.2 [19, AUGUST'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.7.1 [29, JULY'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.7.0 [15, JULY'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.6.5 [4, JULY'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.6.4 [28, JUNE'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.6.3 [18, JUNE'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.6.2 [09, JUNE'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.6.1 [26, MAY'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.6 [22, MAY'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.5.5 [7, MAY'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.5.4 [2, MAY'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.5.3 [22, APRIL'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.5.2 [11, APRIL'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.5 [07, APRIL'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.4.1 [28, March'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.4.0 [24, March'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.3.4 [18, March'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.3.3 [08, March'14 -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.3.2 [05, March'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.3.1 [ 04th Mar'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.3 [28th Feb'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.2.2 [24th Feb'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.2.1 [24th Feb'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN 1.2 [22th Feb'14] -> UPDATES & FIXES IN VERSION 1.1 [19th Feb'14]
- Front End editor from WP Front end editor
- Bootstrap 3.0 from Twitter Bootstrap
- Masonry & Isotope from Metafizzy.co
- WooCommerce & jQuery FlexSlider from WooThemes
- PrettyPhoto Gallery from No Margin for Errors
- Some Icons used in template are by Freepik
- Fitvids from Fitvids
- Pie charts from Anthonyterrien
- Articulate Package upload from Brian Batt
- Images from unspash.com , picjumbo.com and 123rf.com [ NOTE: Some images used in demo are not included in sample data.]
Translation Credits
- 100% Spanish translations provided by Miguel Martín
WPLMS Learning Management System for WordPress, Education Theme Download
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WPLMS Learning Management System for WordPress, Education Theme downloads
- wplms-learning-management-system-for-wordpress-education-theme.zip
- wplms-learning-management-system-for-wordpress-education-theme.rar
- wplms-learning-management-system-for-wordpress-education-theme.zip
- wplms-learning-management-system-for-wordpress-education-theme.zip
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