KALLYAS – Creative eCommerce Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
FREE Demo for KALLYAS – Creative eCommerce Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme!
KALLYAS – The #1 Selling Most Enjoyable and Creative Multipurpose WordPress theme, responsive, lightweight, drag & drop visual page builders & no coding required.
Professionals use Kallyas as a one page website photography gallery corporate hotel leisure spa industrial construction architecture architect lawyer law travel booking modern school education university lms kids fitness gym sport directory event beauty lifestyle landing mobile job marketplace music app product game best admin jewelry food restaurant clean web design dentist auto watch store listing hair salon barber technology marketing transport car rental dealer logistics RTL Parallax Revolution slider pizza automotive newspaper membership coming soon shopify c
KALLYAS – The #1 Selling Most Enjoyable and Creative Multipurpose WordPress theme, responsive, lightweight, drag & drop visual page builders & no coding required.
Professionals use Kallyas as a one page website photography gallery corporate hotel leisure spa industrial construction architecture architect lawyer law travel booking modern school education university lms kids fitness gym sport directory event beauty lifestyle landing mobile job marketplace music app product game best admin jewelry food restaurant clean web design dentist auto watch store listing hair salon barber technology marketing transport car rental dealer logistics RTL Parallax Revolution slider pizza automotive newspaper membership coming soon shopify charity summit motivational speaker keynote coaching coach mentor trainer therapist training theater.
With over 17,000 satisfied customers, the applications for Kallyas are almost endless. With our super easy to use drag and drop page builder (Visual Builder), developed right out of the box (no plugins required) you can build almost any page imaginable. It?s as simple as 1, 2, 3. Really!
1. Drag and Drop your element
2. Edit your element (image, video, whatever!)
3. Select your settings, Save & Close.
Huzzah! Instantly beautiful pages on the fly. No coding required. We promise.
Not only that, but we have included over 100 pre-built elements to suit any application –
and with a powerful Live Search feature built in too, there won?t be any wasted time fumbling around looking for these elements either.
Our powerful workflow tools remove the need for additional Photoshop designers with the ability
to design on the go, without the need for any coding, and every element is reusable.
Save your entire page as one design template and reuse it over and over for seamless, beautiful pages every time.
As a Kallyas customer you will have full access to our Video Documentation database, our
existing customers LOVE this service making it easy to find detailed video descriptions for all
elements of building websites with Kallyas.
You can believe us when we say that Kallyas really is a Gigantic WordPress Toolbox for building beautiful websites.
Please remember, support is given through our Support Dashboard.
Full list of Features:
- WordPress 4.6+ compatible
- Bootstrap 3 Framework
- Amazing frontend LIVE Page Builder containing over 100 elements
- One-Click Data Install
- Responsive layout
- Smart Loader
- SEO Ready
- WPML Ready
- Translation ready
- Unlimited Sub-Headers
- Unlimited Colors
- WooCommerce Integration
- DummyData Included
- Unlimited Homepage variations
- Functional NEWSLETTER – MailChimp integration and adaptation
- Lots of different Kallyas premium features and plugins
- Huge variety of sliders (also premium licensed ones):
- iOS Slider
- Creative Slider (based on Revolution Slider)
- Shop Sliders (based on Revolution Slider)
- Fixed Sliders
- Style 1 (Simple Slider)
- Style 2 (Nivo Slider)
- Style 3 (Wow Slider)
- 3D Cute Slider
- Fancy Slider
- Circular Content & Circular Catalogue carousels
- Static Content / Hero Scenes (huge variety)
- Portfolio Slider Frames
- Laptop Slider, multiple styles
- iCarousel
- CSS3 Panels
- 3 Portfolio Layouts
- Category Layout
- Sortable Layout
- Carousels Layout
- Custom pages designs:
- Process
- Contact us
- Offline / Coming soon
- Historic / Timeline
- Testimonials
- Team
- Portfolio Item
- Blog Item
- Product page
- Services
- Careers
- Pricing tables
- Photo Gallery
- Bonus – Holiday page headers
- Animated Header
- Dynamic PHP Contact form
- Built-in Modal window system with auto triggering & multiple window types (iframe, inline content)
- HTML5 & CSS3 Ready
- PSD Files included (for main demo only)
- Great social media support!
- Lots of Built in styles
- Good Documentation
- & many others!!
The majority of the images in our demos are stock images from various sources, and they’re not included with the purchase.
Update History – Full changelog
Note: After updating, please clear the browser’s cache or hard reload the page ( for Win Ctrl+F5 or CMD+Shift+R on Macs), or simply try accessing the page with another browser that hasn’t yet cached the website.
UPDATE 4.17.2 / 22 May 2019
Added widget area to Kallyas side navigation Removed several errors that appears in the server error log Fixed WooCommerce reviews widget shows the same product image in certain conditions Under the hood optimizations
UPDATE 4.17.1 / 27 March 2019
Improved Breadcrumbs markup for SEO Improved display of Circular content style 1 Improved portfolio archive items display on search page Improved generated css Improved compatibility with Gutenberg Fixed Facebook share buttons not appearing in certain conditions
UPDATE 4.17.0 / 04 February 2019
Fixed WooCommerce show first gallery image on hover option not working in certain conditions Added ability to use a YouTube video playlist for video related elements Added option to choose if you want to preserve the tabs state upon page refresh Fixed Menu Style 13 display bug in responsive devices Updated Weather box element to use Open Weather Map instead of Yahoo Weather which was retired Added reCaptcha to Text and Register pagebuilder element Tweaked blog archive display for RTL Fixed pagebuilder element css cache not refreshing in certain conditions Fixed JavaScript error shown in console when the TinyMCE plugin is disabled by user
UPDATE 4.16.9 / 16 January 2019
Added Linkeding share buttons to blog posts Added pagination for single posts Added paragraph option for the title element Added option to add a placeholder text for the select input for contact form element Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin Improved compatibility with some shared hostings Improved GDPR compatibility Fixed various responsive issues Fixed Youtube loop option not working in certain conditions Under the hood code optimization
UPDATE 4.16.8 / 14 November 2018
Resolved Cooming soon demo counter not showing background Fixed Grid icon boxes element doesn't update the icon size in certain conditions Improved Theme addons updates behaviour
UPDATE 4.16.7 / 17 October 2018
Fixed post edit screen not working on 2 columns
UPDATE 4.16.6 / 17 October 2018
Fixed contact form message shows slashes
UPDATE 4.16.5 / 17 October 2018
Added background image option to columns Added option to show tabs on hover instead of click Disabled hyperlink on partners logo if no URL is set Fixed WOW slider not working in certain conditions Fixed inline editor images not working in certain conditions Improved Demo data installation process
UPDATE 4.16.4 / 11 September 2018
- Added ability to select what post type to show posts from in the Archive element - Added sidebar options for all post types - Added option to choose how the images get resized - Added background image options for Grid icon boxes element - Added option for marker clusters to display a large number of markers on a map - Added Custom page layout now works on shop pages - Improved contact form element - Fixed Google maps element not working on full screen - Fixed export single element not working in certain conditions - Fixed Youtube API shows an error in developer console in certain conditions
UPDATE 4.16.3 / 08 August 2018
- Tweak: Optimized Google Fonts and custom fonts scripts loading - Improved compatibility with latest version of Revolution Slider - Tweak: Mailchimp scripts will only be loaded if Mailchimp functionality is in use
UPDATE 4.16.2 / 31 July 2018
- Improved compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce plugin
UPDATE 4.16.1 / 31 July 2018
- Added option to keep the modal cookie for 1 year - Added ability to open modal windows from main menu - Added option to show comment section inside the post content element - Added option to allow background videos on mobile devices ( Kallyas options > Advanced options ) - Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO plugin - Tweaked tabs behavior. You can now add tabs inside other tabs - General under the hood improvements - Updated WPML config - Fixed Internet explorer 11 display issues when using column element in certain configuration - Fixed Mailchimp subscribe not working on contact form in certain configuration - Fixed product image appears twice when using the recently viewed products widget - Fixed sidebar position not working properly when changing the position from page options
UPDATE 4.16.0 / 26 June 2018
- Added: New header style (style17) - Added: Bootstrap pull/push options for columns - Added: Hover color option for List element texts - Added: Vertical arrows offset for smart slider element - Added: Modal functionality for smart slider image gallery - Added: Option to link the css3 panel image - Added: Option to select how many thumbs to display in Photo Gallery element - Added: Smart slider icon - Improved: Custom template element optimisations - Improved: WooCommerce cart page responsive design - Improved: Added compatibility with members plugin - Improved: Parallax effect system - Improved: Page builder cache system - Improved: Compatibility with Polylang plugin - Improved: Inline text editor panels behaviour - Fixed: Google maps not working properly in certain conditions - Fixed: Coming soon page not showing corectly - Fixed: Improper text appearing on WooCommerce archive page in certain conditions - Fixed: Menu hover color not working in certain conditions - Fixed: Weather element showing improper weather conditions icons - Fixed: Tabs not working if the smart area containing it is places as mega menu item - Fixed: Google maps zoom not working on mobile devices - Fixed: Internet explorer problems with centered columns content - Fixed: Page builder cache not refreshing on password protected pages - Fixed: Background video not full width on Edge browser - Fixed: Default font cannot be deleted
UPDATE 4.15.17 / 30 May 2018
- Fixed: Fixed pagebuilder not working in certain condition while using WordPress v4.9.6
UPDATE 4.15.16 / 18 May 2018
- Added: Option to choose the desired column width for shop single page - Added: Double opt in option for mailchimp - Added: GDPR consent boxes options for user registration and newsletter signup - Tweak: Improved Yoast plugin compatibility ( Yoast can now see all your content made with the pagebuilder when calculating keywords ) - Tweak: Smooth scroll element position tweaks - Tweak: Video backgrounds not working on latest version of Chrome and Safari - Fixed: Improper sidebar position on cart page - Fixed: Newsletter widget showing Error in certain conditions - Fixed: Some widgets cannot be edited in certain conditions - Fixed: Inline text editor not closing inside smart sliders
UPDATE 4.15.15 / 23 April 2018
- Added rel="noopener" to external links - Fixed page options not saving in certain conditions - Fixed Mailchimp functionality doesn't retrieve lists in certain conditions - Improved WooCommerce compatibility - Improved Hidden panel in header functionality - Fixed Youtube videos autoplay in iOs slider in certain conditions - Improved background video fullscreen functionality - Improved theme reCaptcha code with Contact form 7 plugin
UPDATE 4.15.14 / 6 February 2018
- Improved WooCommerce 3.3.1 compatibility
UPDATE 4.15.13 / 5 February 2018
-Added: Ability to move the inline text editor -Fixed: Social icons in single blog page not showing in certain conditions -Improved: Icon box compatibility with smart slider -Improved: Compatibility with WordPress Real Media Library plugin -Improved: WooCommerce 3.3 compatibility -Fixed: Custom menu element not working properly when 2 elements are used on same page -Fixed: Testimonial box element not showing properly on responsive -Fixed: Out of stock badge not showing in certain conditions -Fixed: Mailchimp shows only 10 lists instead of all -Fixed: Improper title shown on WooCommerce archive page if custom sub-header was used
UPDATE 4.15.12 / 5 January 2018
- Added: Added Mailchimp double opt-in - Added: 1 and 2 columns for WooCommerce archive - Added: Ability to use shortlinks for Youtube modals - Added: Options to set custom sizes for latest posts 4 element - Tweaked: Load more button for portfolio archive disable - Fixed: Css3 panels doesn't show content on mobile - Fixed: Text widget not working - Fixed: Product carousel not showing properly on mobile devices - Fixed: Theme options doesn't import in certain conditions
UPDATE 4.15.10 / 5 December 2017
Added options to show latest posts by tags Fixed Skills bar animation weird in Internet Explorer Fixed Service box hover on iOS not working properly Fixed Smart carousel not showing properly after page refresh Fixed Widget options not showing under certain conditions Fixed Image box element doesn't display images properly in certain conditions Fixed Stage box element not showing points properly Fixed WooCommerce double loupe showing on single item page Fixed Sample text appearing on Text box element in certain conditions Fixed Column not showing in IE on certain conditions Fixed Sub-header has improper height in certain conditions Fixed placeholder video image not showing on Ipad Tweak Hidden typing placeholder on search element when there is text in it Tweak Increased smart areas compatibility with WPML Improved pagebuilder compatibility with some hosting companies Improved Parallax effect on Internet Explorer Improved display of saved elements tab in Zion builder Improved Elements search in Zion builder
UPDATE 4.15.9 / 16 November 2017
Fixed: Video background not working
UPDATE 4.15.8 / 16 November 2017
Added: Added color picker to inline editor Added: Uppercase button for inline editor Added: Font weight options for inline editor Added: Default text for text box Added: Font options can now be translated with WPML Improved: Inline editor Tweak: WooCommerce improvements Fixed: WordPress 4.9 compatibility Fixed: Element options not opening in certain conditions Fixed: Responsive menu in header doesn't show in certain conditions Fixed: Some elements cannot be dragged in page in certain conditions Fixed: Image box not showing properly in internet explorer and edge Fixed: Hover box using main color instead of the one set in options Updated: Slick slider script
UPDATE 4.15.7 / 03 November 2017
Tweak: Removed some log entries Tweak: Code cleanup
UPDATE 4.15.6 / 02 November 2017
Added: Option to show the header above content on mobile device Added: Option to have dynamic email subject in contact form element Added: Typekit fonts integration Added: Option to add an image as background in mega menu Tweak: Added new options t smart slider element Tweak: You can now see and install the free plugins without activating the theme Tweak: Set catalog mode option as off by default Tweak: Automatically update assets links if domain changed Tweak: Zion builder editor panel performance improvements Fixed: Top bar menu doesn't show properly on responsive device Fixed: Product loupe element has the image blurry Fixed: Sidebar position doesn't work in certain conditions
UPDATE 4.15.5 / 29 September 2017
Added: Compatibility with paid membership pro Fixed: Scripts and styles loading ( resolved improper style for button element ) Fixed: Visual editor cannot be changed
UPDATE 4.15.4 / 28 September 2017
Added: Modal inline dynamic option for links Added: Added measurement unit for icon box and stage box elements Added: Custom background color option for contact form button Tweak: You can now click on links inside carousels Tweak: Improved error display for tweeter elements Tweak: You can now place css3 panels inside columns Improved: Shortcodes system Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 5.2.4 Fixed: Twitter display on RTL Fixed: WooCommerce gallery display when images are smaller Fixed: Call to action color on light header
UPDATE 4.15.3 / 14 September 2017
Added: Option to show tags in portfolio items Added: WordPress filters to hide footer smart areas (<a href="https://my.hogash.com/documentation/hide-smart-area-beforeafter-footer/">https://my.hogash.com/documentation/hide-smart-area-beforeafter-footer/</a>) Added: Text decoration to all font type options Added: Options for sub-header to set the padding and margins on different breakpoints Added: Option to use a smart area as WooCommerce single product template Added: Responsive options for coming soon element texts Tweak: You can now hide all sub-headers, with the exception of pagebuilder ones Tweak: Upgraded mailchimp API to latest version Tweak: Under the hood optimisations Tweak: Removed sourcemaps links from css files Tweak: Updated language files to ignore javascript files during build Fixed: Header cart looks different on different pages Fixed: Newsletter element button style not working Fixed: Tabs in mega menu not working after browser resize Fixed: Google map pin not appearing when used in multiple tabs Fixed: Coming soon demo not showing counter on Safari browser
UPDATE 4.15.2 / 07 August 2017
Added: live option for buttons group texts Fixed: Local video not playing on IOS slider v1 Tweak: product main image bottom margin Tweak: moved Google analitycs code to head Tweak: pagebuilder option bar will now hide on mouse over Fixed: Inline text editor not working in smart carousel Fixed: datepicker not working properly on mobile Fixed: Cart not translating properly Fixed: media container overlay animation Fixed: button element bg color not working Fixed: Go to top button not moving parallax images
UPDATE 4.15.1 / 25 July 2017
Fixed: Circular catalogue cannot be closed Fixed: Shop buy button not visible in certain conditions Fixed: Shop thumbnails cannot be opened in certain conditions Fixed: Vector mask doesn't work for the custom sub-header element in certain conditions Fixed: API key cannot be saved
UPDATE 4.15.0 / 19 July 2017
Added: Gradient color for button Added: Custom mask option for sections Added: Header background color into page layouts Added: Logo option to WPML string translation Added: Ajax load more button for blog posts archive Improved: Compatibility between parallax and smooth scroll Improved: WooCommerce single item gallery Improved: Yoast SEO compatibility Improved: Compatibility with caching plugins Improved: Compatibility with WordPress page revisions Improved: Page cache cleaning Improved: Framework code optimizations Fixed: Step box background & title color Fixed: Laptop slider slide description not visible in certain conditions Fixed: Gif images not working properly Fixed: Sticky header font color not working properly Fixed: Shop style 3 display in boxed layout Fixed: Section width not working in certain conditions Fixed: Button group colors not working in certain conditions
UPDATE 4.14.1 / 26 June 2017
Added: Option to select the image width for Recent Work Element Tweak: Lowered minimum height for subheader element Tweak: Theme check improvements Fixed: Grid icon boxes title has improper color Fixed: Counter element plugin cannot be activated Fixed: Zion builder cannot be deactivated Fixed: Icon box text color doesn't work Fixed: Various RTL issues Fixed: Improper display of Ios Slider video Fixed: Circle title text color not working
UPDATE 4.14.0 / 20 June 2017
Added: Global option to set the Google Map API key Added: Italian translation Added: Option to click on the entire circular content item in order to open its details Added: Option to validate by alphanumeric value in contact form Improvements: Tweaked font icon display after changing domains Improvements: Google fonts will be automatically fetched Improvements: Added comments "to" word to translation file Improvements: Added notice for admins if coming soon page is active Improvement: Various CSS improvements Improvement: Tweaked image resizing function Improvement: Media container mobile improvements Improvement: Big social items element display on mobile Improvement: API registration on multi-sites FIXED: Parallax mode in boxed mode Fixed: IOS slider button display Fixed: IOS slider ids Fixed: Smooth scroll not working on mobile Fixed: Custom menu element display on smart area Fixed: Internet Explorer problems for WooCommerce gallery Fixed: Twitter widget displays old tweets Framework improvements
UPDATE 4.13.0 / 15 May 2017
Added: New demo: Veterinary Clinic Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/veterinaryclinic/ ) Added: New demo: Makeup Artist Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/makeupartist/ ) Added: New demo: Golf Club Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/golf-wordpress-theme/ ) Added: New demo: Metal Works Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/metalworks/ ) Added: New demo: Bistro / Restaurant Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/bistro/ ) Added: New demo: Construction No.2 Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/construction2/ ) Added: New demo: Wedding No.2 Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/wedding2/ ) Added: New demo: Cosmetics Shop Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/cosmetics/ ) Added: New demo: Luxury Driver Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/luxury-driver/ ) Added: New demo: Yoga Demo Demo ( preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/yoga/ ) Added: Parallax Layers into Section element; Added: Header style 16; Added: Single button page builder element; Added: Compatibility with WP Hotel Booking plugin; Added: Option for sidebar size; Improvement: Various improvements for WooCommerce 3.x compatibility; Improvement: Automatically clear WP Super Cache and other plugins cache; Improvement: Background & Object parallax improvements; Improvement: Element appearing effects; Improvement: Offset arrows option in smart carousel element; Improvement: Contact form's radio input validation; Fixed: Scroll to top button not being shown; Fixed: PHP Warning in Shop product presentation element; Fixed: Minor fix for one page menu item's activation; Fixed: Fixes shop sidebar not displaying; Fixed: Portfolio items list, items per page; Fixed: Sticky header text color font; Fixed: Smart Slider on mobile; Fixed: Product presentation element compatibility with lazy load images; Fixed: Responsive menu trigger comparison operator; Fixed: Fixed display of languages code names;
UPDATE 4.12.1 / 12 April 2017
- Fixed Custom CSS saving issue - Fixed RTL main menu alignment - Fixed WooCommerce category title css - Fixed portfolio gallery embed videos conflict with FitVids;
UPDATE 4.12.0 / 10 April 2017
New demo: SaaS Membership (preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/membership/ ) New demo: Conference Event Demo (preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/conference/ ) New demo: Wineries and Vineyards (preview at http://demo.kallyas.net/wine/ ) General improvements for stability; Added: Zoom image in WooCommerce product page's gallery; Added: Image slider gallery in WooCommerce product page; Added: Added fixed footer mode; Added: Added basic compatibility for Simple Job Board; Added: Smart Areas before, after or replace the Site Header; Improved: Sample data installation process minor improvements; Improved: Added rgba for colorpickers in Grid Icon Boxes element; Improved: Improvements for IconBox Element - Circle background; Improved: RTL layout, Iosslider and Shop page; Improved: Improvement IconBox element floated icons added spacing; Improved: Extended bg options for default subheader options; Improved: Tabs in mega menu and Improvements for main menu ; Improved: Login Redirect based on user type/user_id; Improved: Breadcrumb improvements; Improved: Improvements to blog's masonry layout; Improved: Improvements for column's height; Improved: Added support for smart areas in polylang plugin; Improved: login modal refresh fields and error on close modal; Improved: Improved plugin & plugin options installation; Improved: added filter on shop product element query arguments; Fixed: WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility fixes; Fixed: Fixes smart area in mega menu; Fixed: 404 page not being translatable in WPML; Fixed: Minor fix for ratings in products style 2; Fixed: Data converter for updates from v3 to v4; Fixed: Sticky Column margin and padding fixes; Fixed: One-page main menu scrolling fixes; Fixed: Fixed header 11 & 13 side columns display on mobile; Fixed: Tweaks for CSS3 Panels; Fixed: Fix for sticky size logo; Fixed: Tweak for delaying preloader; Fixed: Image Lazy Load fixes in WooCommerce listings; Fixed: Fixes for centered logo; Fixed: Contact form's captcha; Fixed: Fix for Product presentation elm. on clearing columns; Fixed: Tooltip Icon Box; Fixed: fixed safari bug with perspective preloader; Fixed: Revolution slider images max-width fix issue;
UPDATE 4.11.1 / 13 March 2017 (patch release)
Improvements for the theme updates system to prevent Envato API calls limit; Improved Kallyas menu display in backend; Fixed bug with contact form not sending emails on some hosting environments; Fixed Photo Gallery element's slideshow height; Fixed Google Maps direction box with center coordinates; Fixed arrows disable option in Smart slider element; Fixed header 12 on mobiles; Fixed missing styles in multisite registration page;
UPDATE 4.11.0 / 7 March 2017
Added: New Demo: Music Event ( http://kallyas.net/demo.php?d=musicfestival ) Added: New Demo: Coming Soon #2 ( http://kallyas.net/demo.php?d=comingsoon2 ) Added: Header Style 15 Added: ReCaptcha into Registration form (must be enabled first); Improved: PhotoGallery element added LazyLoad option for Slideshow and Normal Gallery; Improved: Improvements to API Connection system; Improved: Added display permissions option for Call to action button in header; Improved: Updated Google Fonts list; Improved: Demo import improvements; Improved: Reset fields after successful registration; Fixed: Slick slider RTL fixes; Fixed: Conflict between Ajax Add to cart with WooCommerce product table plugin; Fixed: Duplicated title if there isn’t a Blog page assigned; Fixed: Circle Title TextBox text-color bug; Fixed: Animated text element not appearing in page builder; Fixed: Shop page infinite loop; Fixed: Fixed topbar options dependencies;
UPDATE 4.10.5 / 23 Feb. 2017 (Stability patch)
Improved API secure SSL connections; Fixed bug with Chaser menu and Page builder;
UPDATE 4.10.3 / 21 Feb. 2017
Improved: Improvements to sample data import; Improved: PHP 5.2.4 compatibility Improved: Portfolio media in portfolio carousels filtrable; Improved: General Improvements and code tweaks; Improved: Sticky header improvements; Improved: videos in iosslider improvements; Improved: Added margins paddings to social icons element; Improved: Allow users to create contact form email templates; Improved: Applied filter on portfolio sortable excerpt; Fixed: Issues with Blog/Portfolio archive; Fixed: small framework issues; Fixed: WooCommerce Classic product style minor fixes; Fixed: IE11 improvements for image box; Fixed: Partners/Testimonials element carousel; Fixed: Smart Carousel fixes; Fixed: IE11 coverfit fallback; Fixed: Sliders/Google maps in accordions; Fixed: Default Subheader color picker bg color; Fixed: Google maps panel fixes;
UPDATE 4.10.2 / 8 Feb. 2017
Fixed: Photo Gallery element (Slideshow) slider issues; Fixed: Dropdown select lists in Text Element; Fixed: Subheader element height issues; Fixed: RTL right text align; Fixed: Calendar plugin styles were not applied;
UPDATE 4.10.1 / 7 Feb. 2017
Fixed: PHP Fatal Error Fixed: Tabs css tweaks causing improper alignment
UPDATE 4.10.0 / 6 Feb. 2017
Added: New Demo! Kids Store ( http://demo.kallyas.net/kids-store ) Added: New Demo! Speaker ( http://demo.kallyas.net/speaker/ ) Added: Added sticky column feature; Improved: Switched from CarouFredSel plugin to Slick Slider for all elements using it; Improved: added id attribute to contact form; Improved: Shop Products presentation element general improvements; Improved: WooCommerce product styles improvements; Improved: Added ability to Ctrl + S (Cmd + S) theme options; Improved: Added margins custom subheader element; Improved: Switched Page builder font to system font; Improved: Compatibility with GoDaddy hosting; Improved: Replace get site transient with get site option Improved: SSL compatibility; Improved: Added ImageBox element alignment for simple image; Improved: Added autoplay option for Portfolio Slider; Improved: Horizontal & Vertical Tabs elements on mobile display; Improved: Grid Icon Box elements, added custom color options; Improved: Cross Origin Notices for migrating websites; Fixed: Sortable Portfolio fix for cyrillic Fixed: Animations in Steps Box element Fixed: CSS3 panels filters fix for Edge Fixed: PHP Fatal error in Contact Form element Fixed: Adding Sections into Sections element;
UPDATE 4.9 / 16 Jan. 2017
Added: New demo! Sports (visit kallyas.net to access it) Added: New demo! Charity (visit kallyas.net to access it) Added: New demo! SideFolio (visit kallyas.net to access it) Added: FlipBox Element for Page builder Added: Side Header - Kallyas Addon Added: Navigation Overlay - Kallyas Addon Improved: General Improvements Improved: Dashboard Connection UI and code improvements Improved: Tooltips for Page builder elements toolbar icons Improved: New Metabox framework Improved: Server check button Improved: Option to choose icon for Historic element Improved: RTL Improvements Improved: Pricelist element, option to display tooltip Improved: Deprecated "Skewed background" option in Section element. Use Top/Bottom masks instead. Improved: Ace editor improvements in Custom CSS theme options Improved: Iosslider element - added option to disable bullets Improved: Custom link option for Grid photo gallery element Improved: ImageBox element, added Image Sizes option in Advanced tab Improved: Added Logo background option in page layout options Improved: Custom Menu element, added option to toggle open/close submenus Improved: Removed forced column in section Improved: Sale & New tag visual improvements Improved: Added filters for sidebar widgets heading tags Improved: Option to change date format for Cotnact form's datepicker Improved: Added option to hide social icons in Logo Infocard Improved: Added filter "zn_top_offset_tolerance" to override the top offset tolerance Improved: Pricing Tables improvements Improved: Recent work elements, added live link as item link Improved: Mega Menu improvements Fixed: Shop Subheader, not using options set in unlimited options Fixed: Subheader not rendering for shop products / archives Fixed: Photo Gallery slider Fixed: MailChimp form improvements, validation and visuals Fixed: Mobile menu back button causing scroll lock Fixed: Element options scroll behavior Fixed: jQuery Migrate warnings and other small tweaks Fixed: Contact Form Datepicker multiple use in page Fixed: Latest 2 glyphicons display issue Fixed: ALT + S keys conflicting with page builder saving page Fixed: WooCommerce product page builder def. content element Fixed: Portfolio item password protected option Fixed: Portfolio "load more" button issues
UPDATE 4.8 / 12 Dec. 2016
New! Added Cargo Demo ( http://www.kallyas.net/demo.php?d=cargo ); New! Added Lawyer Demo ( http://www.kallyas.net/demo.php?d=lawyer ); Added: Product Registration with API KEY; Added: Hogash Studio Customer Dashboard. Added: Show/Hide (publish/unpublish) elements in Page builder; Added: New element! FlipBox element as page builder plugin; Added: New styles for “burger” menu Header navigation options; Improved: Updated Revolution Slider to 5.3.1; Improved: Added `znklfw_enable_image_data_from_url` filter to disable image data queries; Improved: Added general Kallyas Cache Cleanup button (clears PB data and dynamic CSS); Improved: Increased “mobile” menu limit to 1920px; Improved: Automodal cookie, added expiry option for 2 weeks or 1 month; Improved: Contact form, added multiple select field; Improved: Added `zn_schema_markup_attributes` filter for schema.org, to allow overriding them; Improved: Reverted back to initial Smooth Scroll script; Improved: Added new options for Smart Carousel; Improved: Added link over the Media container element; Improved: Added text-case for Main menu navigation; Fixed: Removed Smart area Mega menu in Chaser menu; Fixed: Countdown element for RTL; Fixed: Footer Smart Area and multilanguage; Fixed: Full width image display in Blog modern style ; Fixed: Parallax for Firefox fallback; Fixed: Mega menu php notice; Fixed: Portfolio page php notice; Fixed: Bug not saving theme options; Fixed: Header-fixed + Relative header; Fixed: RTL fixes for header style 14; Fixed: Parallax’s fallback background on touch devices; Fixed: Fixed stage box element with custom defined points; Fixed: Fixes Mega menu not working on WP 4.7;
UPDATE 4.7 / 21 Nov. 2016
NEW! Added Architect Demo ( http://www.kallyas.net/demo.php?d=architect ) NEW! Added Medical Demo ( http://www.kallyas.net/demo.php?d=medical ) Added: Smart Areas as Mega Menu. Add page builder elements into Main menu's dropdowns; Improved: Page builder columns placeholder; Improved: Social Buttons Widget; Improved: Added blank state for item in Grid photo gallery; Improved: Background position for section parallax; Improved: RTL Tweaks; Improved: Icon Options with bigger preview; Improved: Implemented srcset for portfolio archive sortable; Fixed: Smart Carousel element autoplay bug; Fixed: Page builder max_input_vars error in elements options; Fixed: Latest posts #2 styles; Fixed: multiple sortable portfolios on same page; Fixed: Column z-index on PB mode; Fixed: remove hardcoded translation from travel demo home page; Fixed: Social Icons' Background Hover not being the Main theme color; Fixed: main color in custom menu element; Fixed: thumbs position from photogallery slideshow inside horizontal tabs;
UPDATE 4.6 / 3 Nov. 2016
Added: New, better Sample-Data Import system; Added: Agency Demo ( <a href="http://kallyas.net/demo.php?d=agency">preview</a> ) Added: Photographer Demo ( <a href="http://kallyas.net/demo.php?d=photographer">preview</a> ) Added: New header, style 14; Added: New mask for Top/Bottom sections edges; Added: New contact form style - Material; General fixes and improvements; Improved: Updated Revolution Slider to latest version; Improved: Added custom ID option for all Static content elements; Improved: Added numeric validation for contact form fields; Improved: Extended Countdown elements options and styling; Improved: Added breakpoint options for Grid IconBoxes; Improved: Stage ImgBox with custom points; Fixed: Topmask issue in sections; Fixed: OSX Smooth Scroll; Fixed: Vimeo background issues; Fixed: Sortable Portfolio "load more" links issues; Fixed: Issues with Title element's default font family; Fixed: Icon grid boxes title order;
UPDATE 4.5.1 / 12 Oct. 2016
Fixed: PHP fatal error on some WordPress instances.
UPDATE 4.5 / 11 Oct. 2016
Added: New demo! Product Landing http://demo.kallyas.net/product-landing/ Added: New demo! Wedding http://demo.kallyas.net/wedding/ Added: New demo! Freelancer http://demo.kallyas.net/freelancer/ Added: New demo! Watch Shop http://demo.kallyas.net/watchshop/ Added: New demo! Jewelry #2 http://demo.kallyas.net/jewelry2/ Added: New demo! Barber Shop http://demo.kallyas.net/barbershop/ Added: New demo! Dash http://demo.kallyas.net/dash/ Added: New demo! Education http://demo.kallyas.net/education/ Added: New demo! Parallax http://demo.kallyas.net/parallax/ Added: New demo! Portfolio Minimal http://demo.kallyas.net/portfolio-minimal/ Added: "Animated Counter for number" element, as plugin bundled with Kallyas. Improvement: iOS Slider on Firefox Improvement: RTL Layout Improvement: Added simple fixed header option. Unlike Sticky header, the header will just stay fixed. Improvement: Video Background improvements. Dropped old browser polyfills. Improvement: Extended Theme Options Menu from WP Admin Bar to include subpages Improvement: 404 page can be made with the page builder Improvement: Added filter to hook on Sidebar class; Improvement: Added filter to hook on site-header's class; Improvement: Added filter to hook on Blog-columns layout, number of columns; Improvement: Button element new underline style, hover color and spacing options; Improvement: Added more Schema.org rich snippets throughout the theme; Improvement: added option to disable smooth scroll on OSX; Improvement: Parallax background various tweaks; Improvement: Added portfolio image size option; Improvement: Added order option for all portfolio types; Improvement: Added "show title or description" in all portfolio types; Improvement: Added hash link for portfolio items in sortable portfolio; Improvement: Mega menu titles relative to custom fontsize; Improvement: ScreenshotBox element tweaks; Improvement: Custom menu element, added depth support for horizontal menu; Improvement: Latest posts #2 element, added more customisation options; Improvement: Tweaked static content product presentation element's js; Improvement: Simple slider element, added responsive height options; Improvement: Portfolio item page's share links popup window; Improvement: Grid image boxes element, added new styling options; Improvement: Contact form button, added size option; Fix: Contact form on IE11 Fix: IOS issues with scroll to top button. Fix: Google Maps in tabs Fix: Side by side menu widget Fix: Slideshows fix for IE11; Fix: Attachments alt/title + WPML problem; Fix: Bestselling products query in Shop product presentation; Fix: Countdown element alignment; Fix: Inline Live editor various fixes; Fix: Static content event countdown multiple on a single page; Fix: CSS3 panels filters; Fix: Hide Smart area Footer from PB not working; Other general small fixes and improvements.
UPDATE 4.4 / 13 Sept 2016
Added Live text rich editor!! You can now edit text on the fly without opening the options. Screencast: http://hogash.d.pr/UJZs . Added Page Builder Smart Areas for Product Archive pages ( eg: http://hogash.d.pr/1crib ). Added new element: Sticky Section (lite). It will attach to the bottom of the page and remain fixed. General small fixes and improvements Improved sidebar column size on small viewports Improvements for Skills bar element Improvement: Added new styling options for Contact form element Improvement: IosSlider videos tweaks Improvement: Added alignment for portfolio sortable menu Improvements for RTL styles Fixed slider resize with accordion Fixed Vertical Tabs error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded Fixed parallax image zoom and added several tweaks Fixed permalinks problem for portfolio items Fixed Button element's margins and paddings Fixed portfolio item sticky content Fixed Calendar CSS plugin
UPDATE 4.3 / 30 Aug 2016
General fixes, code and performance improvements Added: Page CSS caching, now page builder CSS resources are loaded only if used; Added: Lots of improvements for Column element - Breakpoint for offsets, Width/Height/Background Color, margins and paddings ( http://hogash.d.pr/1aprq ) Added: Object parallax effects for Column element, Smart Container, ImageBox, Title Element and Media container ( http://take.ms/GN3YI ) Added: parallax effect to Media Container element Added: TweetBox Element Added: CSS3 Panels element new options, improvements and fixes Improvement: Added possibility to add internal links to page builder link option fields ( http://hogash.d.pr/1fjxw ) Improvement: Smooth scrolling now has speed presets ( http://hogash.d.pr/NTSc ) Improvement: Added unique id for buttons Improvement: RTL Grid Styles Improvement: Link toolbar for smart areas to link straight to their edit mode ( http://hogash.d.pr/137Mn ) Improvement: Added site & section width options in percent % Fixed: WooCommerce product options lists to be displayed on separate rows
UPDATE 4.2 / 08 Aug 2016
New! Added Import/Export system for elements New! Added New Shortcode system with better preview! Added: Gallery post format (styled as a slideshow) Added: Related portfolio items to portfolio pages Added: Margin/Padding fields in various core elements Added: List with icons element General fixes and improvements Improved: breakpoint control for Column offsets in Columns element Improved compatibility with other plugins Improved: CSS & JS now loading minified versions Improved: Added missing classes for default WP entries in post Improved: Price List element, added image thumbnail and tooltip Fixed: Iconbox's live color on icon Fixed main navigation dynamic css Fixed: Portfolio image appears above the item content Fixed: Importing slider for Ares Construction demo Fixed: IosSlider scroll problem on mobiles
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KALLYAS – Creative eCommerce Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme downloads
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- kallyas—creative-ecommerce-multi-purpose-wordpress-theme.zip
- kallyas—creative-ecommerce-multi-purpose-wordpress-theme.zip
- kallyas—creative-ecommerce-multi-purpose-wordpress-theme.rar
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